
Can You Use Amazon Music On Google Home

Simply similar you, a lot of people are wondering — Tin can you play Amazon music on Google Home? It'southward a common dubiousness among most Google home users!

In this guide, we'll larn if this is possible and likewise how to do it using our proven pace-by-step tutorial.

Equally a matter of fact, there are a few ways of doing it! Don't worry, nosotros'll pan out all these methods so you know what the best is to help you determine what the most user-friendly will be for you.

          Yous can play Amazon Music on Google Home using your computer via a browser, your Android phone or your tablet, your iPhone or iPad!        

Earlier we go to the guide on how to play Amazon Music on Google home, permit us start talk over the different software and programs that volition work with Google Dwelling.

What Can Google Home Play and Access?

Google Home is among the most flexible and versatile devices in the market. Using it is a proficient option if yous always want to access streaming services on the become.

With Google Dwelling, yous won't have any issues accessing YouTube Music, Spotify, Deezer, Apple tree Music, and, of course, Amazon Music.

You lot might be thinking, would Amazon Music work on Google Home? Would playing information technology still work even if Amazon Music isn't under Google? Aye, you absolutely can!

There's no written rule that yous'll only be able to admission Amazon-related services there. Then, without farther ado, let's head correct to the guide on how y'all tin do it!

Can Yous Play Amazon Music on Google Home?

You arrived here considering you are looking for a fashion that you tin play Amazon Music on your Google Abode.

To help you even further about this, we will be discussing all the different methods of how yous can use Google Dwelling to stream your favorite songs and podcasts!

How to Play Amazon Music on Google Abode Using Your PC/Laptop (Browser)

play amazon music on google home

For this guide, we'll go over the steps of how y'all can utilise your Google Domicile to play Amazon Music using your computer or your laptop.

Step #ane: Access Google Chrome

The first thing y'all want to practise is to access the browser from your calculator. For this item method, information technology would be best to use Google Chrome as your browser.

If you have Firefox, Opera, Net Explorer, or whatsoever other browser, leave them on the side first.

Stride #2: Log Into Amazon Music

Once you take Google Chrome up and open, the adjacent thing you want to do is to access Amazon Music. If you don't have an business relationship yet, you can create one by clicking the Sign-Upward button.

Otherwise, log into your account by inputting your user ID and your password.

Step #iii: Cast it to the Google Abode Device

When you're logged in, the adjacent thing you want to do is to click the 3-dotted menu icon on the browser. You lot'll see it in the upper right corner of the browser, side by side to the logged-in Google account there.

Hit on the choice that says Bandage and locate your Google Abode speaker to select information technology.

Step #4: Play a Sound Manually or Via Voice Command

It should show you the confirmation that the device is continued and from there, try to play a audio past doing commands similar "Hey Google, play [SONG] from Amazon Music," etc.

How to Play Amazon Music on Google Habitation Using Your Android Smartphone or Tablet?

If you thought the procedure of playing it using your computer or laptop is easy, it'south absolutely easier with an Android device!

Hither'south how yous tin can exercise it!

Pace #ane: Download the Amazon Music App

First things first, make sure that y'all take the Amazon Music app ready on your device. Whether y'all're using a smartphone or a tablet, if it's Android, you tin download it.

Wait for the download and the installation to end, then access information technology.

Step #ii: Launch and Log Into Your Business relationship

Launch the newly installed Amazon Music app on your device and log in.

          NOTE:          Make sure that all data is right; otherwise, there would be delays in the entire process.

Pace #3: Hit on the Bandage Icon

When you lot log in, you'll see an icon beside the search button at the superlative right that resembles a Goggle box with the WiFi symbol.

Tap on it and information technology'll give you a list of the supported devices on the network. Cull the appropriate Google Home device you lot desire to use.

Step #4: Play a Audio Manually or Past Using Voice Command

When it confirms, try playing a sound past selecting one from your device or by a using voice command.

Y'all should hear the sound play from your Google Home device.

How to Play Amazon Music on Google Home Using Your iPhone or iPad?

Some people thought of this as an incommunicable feat. But, the Google Home app is actually bachelor for both the Android and the iOS systems!

So, if yous own an iPhone or an iPad and yous're looking to play Amazon Music through Google Home devices, here'due south the process of doing it!

Step #1: Download the Google Home App

Since Android devices are able to automatically connect to Google Home devices automatically, you lot wouldn't actually need the Google Dwelling house App.

With iOS devices, however, you'll demand the intervention of the Google Home App. So, that's the first matter you need to practice.

Afterwards downloading and installing it, log into information technology using your Google business relationship.

Stride #2: Download and Install the Amazon Music App

Leave your Google Home app as information technology is and go to the next step, which is to download the Amazon Music app.

One time you're finished downloading the Amazon Music app, log into it. If yous don't have an business relationship yet, you lot tin create i by clicking on Sign Upwards or Register.

Before you hop on to step 3, make sure that you're logged in to an Amazon Music business relationship.

Step #3: Toggle Google Home App

When that's washed, what yous must do next is to admission Google Domicile and toggle settings from in that location.

Hit on the [Carte du jour] icon and select More Settings. Roll downwards until y'all meet the button that says Music. That opens all the Music-capable apps and programs on your device.

Step #4: Log into Amazon Music App

Coil down to the lesser part or until yous see the Amazon Music App and click on it. It'll enquire y'all to log in through the Google Abode facility.

Afterwards that, you should see a sign or a give-and-take below that app that says LINK. That means you were able to link Amazon Music to your Google Domicile.

Footstep #5: Test Out the Linking by Playing Sounds

Y'all can test it out past manually playing sounds from the Amazon Music app. Alternatively, you tin can endeavor out vocalization commands.

Endeavour saying "OK Google, play [Vocal] on Amazon Music."

That's only about it! That's the process of easily linking your Google Home to your Amazon Music account!

No need for any specialized devices or routers!

Read Adjacent: How to Block Specific Shows on Amazon Prime?

It's Non Working, What Should I Do?

In troubleshooting, what you normally must do would be to restart or reset the app. If you're using the PC or laptop version, try restarting the calculator.

Moreover, double-check if you have an established internet connection. Oftentimes, people forget that they need WiFi to make Amazon Music work.

Should it withal be non functioning properly, seek help from a Google representative and ask about the state of affairs.

Playing Amazon Music on Google Dwelling is piece of cake! In fact, y'all're not restricted to practice it in merely one unmarried way.


If you ever find yourself asking if yous can play Amazon Music on Google Abode, this guide will be all you need!

Follow this guide and find the process or the method that suits y'all all-time!

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Nicole B

Can You Use Amazon Music On Google Home,


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