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Original clip art from "The Consummate Bible Story Clip Art Book" ©Gospel Light. Used past permission.

" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" decoding="async" class="size-medium wp-image-9955 alignleft" src="" alt="2_Lord Speaks from a Burning Bush" width="300" height="200" data-recalc-dims="1" data-lazy-src=";ssl=1" srcset="">Scripture Reference: Exodus 2:xi-four:17

Suggested Emphasis: We should obey God without lament.

Memory Verse: "Do everything without grumbling or arguing." Philippians 2:14, NIV


Story Overview:

Moses grew into adulthood in the Pharaoh's palace but he always knew that he was a Hebrew (another name for Jews or descendants of State of israel). After killing an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew slave, Moses fled to Midian for his own safety. During the side by side forty years he married and helped take care of his begetter-in-law's sheep. I day the Lord spoke to him from a miraculously burning bush. When the Lord told Moses that he had been chosen to lead his people out of Egypt, Moses offered up many excuses. The Lord gave Moses everything he needed to be a leader. He even told him that his brother, Aaron, would help him.

Background Study:

As in other events of this time nosotros find that a number of dissimilar terms are used to describe God's people.  Earlier, in Genesis 12:2, nosotros learned that God chose Abraham to become the father of a dandy nation that would bless the all peoples of the globe.

  • Israelites: The proper noun of Abraham's grandson, Jacob, was changed to "Israel" in Genesis 32:27-28) and his descendants are sometimes called "Israelites".
    "Await", [Pharaoh] said to his people, "the Israelites have become much besides numerous for us." Exodus 1:9, NIV
  • Hebrews: "Abram the Hebrew" is mentioned in Genesis 14:13.  Although in that location are a few different possible origins for this name information technology is usually used by foreigners (  The term "Hebrew" is used in today'due south story.
    "Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: 'Every Hebrew boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, only allow every girl live.'" Exodus 1:22, NIV
  • Jews: This term was not used until long after the time of Moses.  During the captivity Daniel'due south people are referred to as "Jews" Daniel 3:viii.

Moses was adopted and raised in the palace of the Pharaoh by the Pharaoh's girl. Considering his mother was allowed to nurse him during his younger years, Moses e'er knew that he was a Hebrew.  Even though he lived autonomously from them information technology is likely he would have known his parents and his brother and sister (Aaron and Miriam).

Twenty-four hour period after day Moses would have seen his own people beaten and worked to death by the cruel Egyptians. When Moses saw an Egyptian overseer beating one of the Israelite slaves, he killed the overseer. When he realized that the incident had been witnessed he feared that he would be put in prison or worse, killed. Moses decided to escape and travel e across the desert to Midian, about two hundred miles from Arab republic of egypt. During the adjacent forty years Moses married a local woman (Zipporah) and shepherded for her father. He began raising a family.

The desert mentioned is due west of Midian betwixt the arms of the Red Bounding main. In that location Moses came to Mountain Horeb (Mount Sinai).

While on Mount Horeb (Sinai), Mores saw a bush that was on fire, simply information technology was non damaged. Moses wanted to get a closer look. Moses heard a voice, and it seemed to come correct out of that fire! He did not know who was calling, but he answered bravely, "Here I am." That meant he was set to mind. The place was holy considering God was speaking there. Moses had to exist very respectful. He could go no closer. He took off his shoes because he was on holy basis. Removing his sandals was a sign of respect for a superior. Moses learned who was calling to him. God had spoken to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob hundreds of years ago, but now the same God was talking to Moses himself! Moses hid his face up because he knew no human being can face God and alive.

God knew how the Israelites were being mistreated, overworked, and whipped in Egypt. He was ready to prepare Moses to pb them out of Egypt to a land of their own. Moses was to be God'south messenger. He was to tell the king of Egypt to let God'due south people get, and he was to pb the people to some other country.

Moses was a shepherd in the desert of another land. He had no ability or influence in Arab republic of egypt. He thought he could not proceeds freedom for his people. Moses could not rescue the people past himself, but with God's help, he would shape the history of the Israelites. God promised that Moses would indeed bring the people out of Arab republic of egypt. Moses would come up dorsum to worship at that same mountain where God was speaking to him. Then Moses would know that God had sent him and had helped him.

Moses had nearly been killed in Egypt. He was afraid to go back there, so he began to make excuses. The first alibi was that people would not believe God had sent him. In answer to that, God gave Moses 3 miracles to be used to convince the people that he really was God'southward messenger. God'south pronouncement, "I am who I am," was an explanation of His name, Yahweh. He was declaring Himself the God whose being depended on goose egg exterior of Himself. He was declaring that no god of the Egyptians could possibly be compared to Him.

The 2d alibi was that Moses was not an constructive speaker. But God had made his mouth, and God could make him talk more fluently.

God was aroused because Moses did non trust Him as he ought, just the Lord agreed to let Moses' brother Aaron become along and do about of the talking.

In the subsequent stories Allow My People Go and The Expiry of the Firstborn we will learn that Moses did, indeed, obey God and return to Egypt to save his people.


Way to Introduce the Story:

Hash out jobs that parents and teachers ask us to do. What excuses practice we offer to try to get out of them? Do nosotros ever complain about work? "In today's story, God asked Moses to do some work. Let's find out what Moses did."

The Story:

Because Moses was adopted by the girl of Pharaoh, he grew up in the palace where he received an education in all of Egyptian noesis. Moses was brought upwards as a prince, and he could have lived in comfort all of his life. But Moses knew that he was actually a member of a Hebrew family. Being a Hebrew means that y'all are a Jew. Y'all are a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Remember that Jacob's other name was "Israel?" If you lot were a Hebrew (Jew) so you were called a child (or grandchild, or great-grandchild . . .) of Israel. You were an Israelite.

Moses saw the Hebrew people unfairly treated. One twenty-four hours, when he had go a grown human being, he was watching his people equally they worked for one of the Egyptian taskmasters. Moses saw one of the Egyptians chirapsia a Hebrew. Moses killed the Egyptian and buried him in the sand. But Moses had been seen! When the word was spread about the killing, Pharaoh heard it and planned to have Moses killed. Moses was agape and realized he would accept to run abroad.

Moses fled to the country of Midian, where he rested by a well. The seven daughters of the priest of Midian came to draw h2o from the well for their father's flocks. Some shepherds drove the girls away from the well, only Moses came to the daughters' rescue. He helped them water their flock. The girls told their father, Reuel, about the man who had helped them. Moses was invited to their home. He stayed, and somewhen married Zipporah, i of Reuel'due south daughters. For forty years Moses was a shepherd.

Dorsum in Arab republic of egypt, the people of God were crying out for assistance because of their slavery. God heard their cries, and He remembered His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They would exist a bully nation and would have their own land. God was planning to choose someone to lead His people to liberty!

1 day as Moses watched his father-in-police's sheep, he saw a bush on fire. The fire seemed to come out of the middle of the bush, but the bush-league didn't burn upwardly! Information technology merely kept burning and burning. Moses went to the bush-league. Every bit he went nearer to the bush, a voice called, "Moses! Moses!"

"Here I am," said Moses, fifty-fifty more surprised.

"Do not come up any closer," the voice said. "Take off your shoes. This is holy ground. I am God." Moses did what the Lord told him to exercise.

"I know all the trouble My people are having in Arab republic of egypt," God said. "I want you lot to ask the king to let My people leave Egypt and go to a new country I accept for them."

"Oh, no," cried Moses. "I can't exercise that! I am nobody. How tin can I talk to the king?"

God said, "I will become with you lot, Moses."

"But what volition I tell the people? What if they want to know who You are?" Moses asked.

"Tell them that I sent you to lead them out of Egypt. Tell them 'I am who I am'," God answered.

When Moses was worried that the people would not believe the things he said, God answered, "Run into the staff in your hands? When you throw it downward it will turn into a ophidian. When you choice it up by the tail it will turn back into a staff." So the Lord told Moses to put his hand into his cloak and pull it out again. Moses' salubrious mitt had turned into a diseased hand with leprosy. When the Lord told him to put it dorsum in his cloak the manus became well again.

"Moses, if they still don't believe yous and so take some h2o out of the Nile River and cascade it on the ground. The water will turn into blood. They will believe you so."
Even though the Lord had answered all of Moses' questions, Moses nonetheless had another alibi. "But I can't talk well," Moses said.

"Moses, who made your oral cavity? I did! I will aid y'all talk," said God.

Finally, Moses said, "Oh, Lord, please send someone else!"

The Lord was angry with Moses. Moses was only offering excuses to not practise what the Lord said. "I will tell Aaron, your blood brother, to help too. I will tell you what to say. Aaron will assistance you say it."

Moses didn't understand all that God wanted him to exercise. He thought it was too hard for him, but God had promised to help him.

What do you remember Moses did next?  Moses obeyed God and prepared to make the long trip dorsum to Arab republic of egypt.


Ways to Tell the Story:

This story tin exist told using a variety of methods.  Ever remain true to the facts constitute in the Bible but help children connect to its meaning past using drama, visual aids, voice inflection, educatee interaction and/or emotion.
Click here for visual aids and story-telling methods.

Click here to download these illustrations and slideshow.  Be selective.  Each teacher is unique and so just apply the illustrations that best relate to the way YOU are telling the story in THIS lesson. Besides many illustrations tin be confusing then eliminate any that cover other stories or details yous exercise not wish to emphasise in this lesson.

Review Questions:

  1. What is a Hebrew? Hebrew is another name for Jews or Israelites.
  2. What were some of the excuses Moses gave to God? I am a nobody, they might inquire your proper noun, they won't believe me, I can't speak well, (and finally) send someone else.
  3. What powers did God requite Moses? Knowing the right words to say, staff turned to snake, paw turned leprous, Nile River water to blood.

Song Suggestions:

  • Oh Exist Careful Song
  • Refer to the Song Page on this website for more options.

Learning Activities and Crafts:

(How to choose the best learning activities for my teaching situation)


  • Find Midian on the bible map.
  • Obtain a tape with the song "Excuses" (by the group Acapella) and play it for the class.
  • Inquire a human being in the congregation to apparel up in bible garb and act the role of Moses. He can tell them the story. Be sure and requite him enough of time to prepare. Supply him with the scripture references and story words.
  • Assist the children learn today'southward memory poetry. Click hither for ways to do this.

Cheque the Teaching Ideas page on this website for ideas that are adjustable to any lesson.

Link to full list of printablesClick here for "The Lord Speaks from a Called-for Bush-league" printables to print (A4 paper)
Click here for "The Lord Speaks from a Burning Bush" printables to print (Alphabetic character size-USA)

Other Online Resources:

  • The burning bush colouring folio & puzzle worksheets (Calvary Curriculum)
  • Moses & the burning bush colouring page (Christian Answers)
  • Cartoon colouring page (Ministry to Children)
  • Online map of Mount Sinai (Bible Atlas)
  • Tracing handprint to make a called-for bush arts and crafts (DLTK)
  • Consider having a picture dark and showing the film "The Prince of Egypt".
  • Another lesson would be to study nigh the names of God (Ministry to Children)

" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-17804" src="" alt="The Lord Speaks from a Burning Bush Pin" width="350" height="525" data-recalc-dims="1" data-lazy-src=";ssl=1" srcset="">